Out of hours gas use is the amount of gas used when the school is closed - overnight, at weekends and during the holidays.
Reducing out of hours gas use is one of the easiest, and cheapest ways of saving lots of energy.
Note: The analysis within this page is based on the school opening hours set for your school. It is best to set these to be as accurate as you can so that you receive appropriate advice.
How does your gas usage out of school hours compare to other primary schools on Energy Sparks, with a similar floor area?
<70,000 kWh
<84,000 kWh
>84,000 kWh
For more detail, compare with other schools in your group
Make sure that your heating is set to only heat the school when it needs to be warm. Heating and hot water can be switched off for evenings, weekends and holidays and heating should not come on too early in the mornings. Use a checklist of energy saving tasks to be completed before holidays.