Funding from charitable trusts and foundations, community energy companies and corporate partners allows Energy Sparks to provide its services free of charge, or at a subsidised rate, to a limited number of schools in certain regions of the UK.
Energy Sparks is seeking new funders to allow us to maintain and extend our free offer to more state schools.
We will let you know if you are eligible for a funded place when you enrol your school, Trust or Local Authority.
Every school is provided with a publicly available energy management tool. The standard account is publicly visible to maximise engagement across the whole school community.
The energy management tool includes:
In-school educational workshops | £250-£500, dependent on location |
Virtual energy audits and energy management mentoring | £350 + VAT |
On-site energy audits |
Private energy management tool, accessible only to staff | £95 + VAT per school per year |
Analysis of data from more than 5 meters | £25 + VAT per meter |