Recent changes in your energy usage

Last week the school's electricity baseload was 18% more than the average over the last year. If this continues it will cost £1,800 more over the next year. 

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 Watch out - term time electricity use has increased by 2.7%, costing an extra £19 each week. Get your Energy Team on the case!

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Comparison with other schools

Last year your school used 430 kWh of energy per pupil. This cost around £64 and generated 57 kg CO2 per pupil. What can you do to reduce your carbon footprint at school?

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Long term trends and advice

There is a large variation in seasonal overnight electricity usage from 9.4 kW in the winter to 6.9 kW in the summer. This suggests electric heating is left running overnight during the winter or the school has inefficient security or flood lights. Change electric heater settings and improve lighting efficiency to save £1,200 annually.

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Your electricity data is out of date. Energy Sparks is working with your energy contract manager and energy supplier to fix this problem