Explore the energy data for your school

Reminders and alerts


Measure classroom temperatures to find out whether you should turn down the heating to save energy

Enter temperatures

Start a transport survey so that you can find out how much carbon your school community generates by travelling to school

Start surveying

You have completed 5/10 of the tasks in the The BIG Question - How can switching off appliances help reduce our carbon footprint? programme
Complete the final 5 tasks now to score 70 points and 30 bonus points for completing the programme

View now

Recent alerts

Heads up! Your school's gas use in the Spring half term 2025 holidays has increased by 100% compared to Spring half term 2024. Can you ask the school site manager to check the heating controls to reduce gas use during the school holidays?

Find out more

Bad News!  Your school's electricity use in the Spring half term 2025 holidays has increased by 7.5% compared to Spring half term 2024

Find out more

Scoreboard update

You need to score more than 80 points to overtake the next school!

Complete our recommended activities and actions to score points, win prizes and start reducing your energy usage.

You are in 8th place on the Wales scoreboard and 72nd place nationally.










Pembroke Dock Community School

Recent activity on your scoreboard

Schools score points by recording their activities to investigate their energy use, learning about energy, and taking energy saving actions around their school.

Energy Sparks supports Pembroke Dock Community School in partnership with Egni Coop