A collection of 14 actions that can be carried out around the school to help save energy.
Check thermostats weekly to ensure they have not been turned up by users
10 points for this actionImplement our guidance on setting the morning start time and heating end time to save energy
30 points for this actionThe best temperature for schools is 18°C in classrooms and 15°C in sports halls and corridors
30 points for this actionImprove your frost protection settings to avoid energy waste during mild weather
30 points for this actionOptimise your school's heating controls using our downloadable boiler review worksheet
30 points for this actionReplace circulatory hot water systems with point of use electric water heaters
30 points for this actionInstalling a heat pump will reduce your school's carbon emissions for heating and hot water by about 80%
30 points for this actionImplement our guidance on purchasing an energy efficient new boiler or replace a gas or oil boiler with a heat pump
30 points for this actionCutting weekend gas use is one of the easiest ways to save energy
30 points for this actionImplement our guidance to reduce the number of days in the year that your school heating runs
30 points for this actionImplement a procedure to ensure the heating is switched off during the school holidays
30 points for this actionHeating hot water can consume 40% of a school's overall gas consumption, switch off at the weekend to save energy
30 points for this actionImplement our guidance to minimise energy waste on heating hot water during the school holidays
30 points for this actionRecord any other actions to improve the efficiency of your heating system here
10 points for this action